Thursday, June 6, 2019


Today, I had another trip with my mom and brother. We took the bus to Aachen, Germany. When we arrived, we went inside a palace that is now used as a city hall. When we got inside, we went into multiple rooms. My favorite room was the red room (obviously) with lots of pretty paintings in it. the most precious painting was painted by Martin van Meytens. And the red hall means Peace Hall. We even got to go to the two other floors with more things to see like meeting rooms and more. Then, we went out to lunch and had German Schnitzels. Afterwards, we went inside a beautiful Catholic Church. When we got inside, we saw stained class that went up to the ceiling! We even got to listen to a women singing opera in German! After we walked around the church for a little, we went walking aorund the city for a while. Then, we went inside a chocolate shop and got some sweets. After, we boarded the bus and made our way back to Maastricht. What a fun day in Germany!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, sky, cloud, shoes and outdoor  Image may contain: 3 people, indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abby - Another 'wonderful' experience. Since red is your 'favorite' I thought you would like the red room - why not? The stained glass in the catholic church must have been beautiful - especially if the sun was out. What a 'special' treat to hear a woman sing opera in German - I'm sure it was great.

    I can't wait to hear what your favorite adventure was and why.

    Until the next time or probably when we see you ....... "SAFE" travels and love to 'all!!!!

    love - Grandma / Grandpa
